Hello, my name is Kirby Amacker.

Thanks for being here! Through this blog, my goal is to share my journey through grief in the hopes that we can all learn together. I am not a grief professional, the thoughts in this blog are my own. I’d highly recommend seeking out professional support if neeeded.

In January 2025, I lost my husband, Obie, after a short but grueling battle with kidney cancer. The 7 weeks of his illness were the hardest period in my life and while I knew it was coming at some point, we were all blind sided by how quickly the illness claimed him. Throughout that process I wrote daily updates for our family and friends. Several recipients commented that I should start a blog to share my perspectives with others. Thanks to their persistence, this blog became reality.

We had 15 amazing years together and as they say, great love equals great grief. This blog is to celebrate his legacy and share thoughts on coping after loss.

I hope this blog inspires you to deepen the meaningful connections in your life. Feel free to leave a comment or follow me on social media!

Context: there are some references to names within this blog that benefit from additional context, so here’s your reference key.

  • our kids: Tyler (our son) is here locally and has been a huge help in working through all of the details. His wife Emily and kids Cole and Eva are mentioned frequently. Our daughter, Lauren, her husband Janio and kids Alex and Maya who live in Seattle will also be referenced.

  • Cindy: my best friend passed away seven years ago and I am realizing that I have a large degree of unresolved grief that is compounding my experience now. Her sons, Derek and Blake, along with her husband Tim and partner Lana, will be referenced.