The first week

Happy Martin Luther King Day and happy birthday to Lauren! We are having an unusually sunny stretch of weather here, albeit cold. It’s a little bit easier to navigate the sad patches when the sun is shining. Thanks babe. ❤️. I’m sure the typical inversion will roll in at some point, until then I’m soaking in the light.

Obie’s obituary is finalized and will be printed in Wednesday’s paper. It will also be on the funeral home’s site. A special thank you to my friend Dana who took my draft and gave it more pop. The pallbearers did a great job of QA’ing it. We could have written a book but I think we got to a version that captures Obie’s impact.

It makes me so happy that the donations are already coming in for the Teen Center, thank you to anyone who has donated. There are also new posts coming into the memory board. I know that Obie would be so honored that he was being remembered in these ways.

My calendar is starting to be populated with dinners, I’m am looking forward to connecting with you. I had a great dinner with the Soldats last night, a perfect mix of remembering Obie and planning for the future. Initial plans for the Kauai celebration are shaping up for late January to early February of 2026. Several of you have asked, my trip to Florida will be in April.

I had a moment of panic this morning as I realized that Obie has not been wearing his wedding ring since before Elk Camp. He always takes it off for camp and surgeries. No surprise that he had tucked it into a random drawer, you can imagine my sense of relief when I found it.

My friend Suzanne has suggested that I consider starting a blog to share my thoughts. I’m intrigued so may start looking into all that entails. Stay tuned…

I continue to putter around the house, run errands and spend moments in stillness. I’m still not sure if the impact of his loss has fully set in. But I’m guessing as the flowers fade and the days turn to weeks, weeks to months, the permanence of his absence will cut like a knife. I’m focused on taking each day, embracing all of you (and myself) with love and keeping my head up. I hope you have a great week!


My grief as a body of water